20 May 2022

Aged care residents at Grampians Health’s Horsham and Dimboola campuses were given a choice of what items they wanted after a recent donation from Wimmera Health Care Group’s Ladies Auxiliary.

The auxiliary donated three $2000 cheques to Dimboola, Kurrajong Lodge and Wimmera Nursing home and the managers chose to survey the residents to see what they most wanted.

Grampians Health director of Residential Services at Horsham and Dimboola Sarah Kleinitz said the auxiliary requested that the money was to be used on items that would help improve the lives of the residents.

“The residents were surveyed as to what they would particularly like and leisure and lifestyle coordinator Daniella Bell compiled a list from the survey,” Ms Kleinitz said.

“The winning items included new equipment for carpet bowls, a fish tank and fish and an interactive mural.”

aux donation

Picture caption: Grampians Health director of Residential Services at Horsham and Dimboola Sarah Kleinitz accepts the three cheques from Wimmera Base Hospital Ladies Auxiliary executive Denise Queale and Elaine Morrison.


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