Wimmera Health Care Group has a full dental team again and is reminding the community what services are available.
Dental manager Peter Daffy said rural areas traditionally have issues with recruitment and retention, so he was excited with the department’s staff level.
New dentist Dr Brittany Heath joins clinical team, Dr Seng Teoh, Ian Nicdao, Mr Daffy and Alisa Smithyman.
"Ongoing problems with recruitment and retention in rural areas are a common issue, so we are very pleased to have a full team to service the dental needs of the wider community," Mr Daffy said.
"The team operates from the Arapiles Building at the Wimmera Health Care Group and provides a service to the Dimboola Campus every second Tuesday."
The dental department offers general and emergency treatment to eligible people. Eligible people include all children aged 0 -12 years, young people 13- 17 who are health care or pension concession card holders or dependants of the card holders.
Adults aged 18 years and over who are health care or pension concession card holders or dependants of the card holders are also eligible.
Priority access groups include Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander people, children, homeless, refugees, asylum seekers and pregnant women. Eligible pregnant women are encouraged to book into the clinic for a check-up during their pregnancy as evidence shows there can be a decline in their oral health status during pregnancy.
People with children aged between 2 and 17 years that don’t hold a concession card, may be eligible for the Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Scheme. The Child Dental benefits Scheme allows for basic treatment over a 2 year period for eligible children.
People receiving Family Tax Benefit A or other relevant Australian Government payments may be eligible for treatment. Treatment provided under the scheme is bulked billed to Medicare with no out of pocket expenses.
For further information contact the Dental Clinic - 53819248 or visit the WHCG website www.whcg.org.au.