A number if tours are available at Wimmera Health Cacre Group.
These include:
Teddy Tours
Teddy Tours are for kindergarten kids to help them understand what might happen if they have to come to hospital. The children bring in a teddy who has had an accident and teddy goes through the Emergency Department, Radiology and down to Yandilla.
Migrant Maternity Tours
These tours are definfed to help get expecting parents who have migrated to Australia to feel comfortable and confident in the local health care system. The tours are conducted at a time that suits the expecting parents and are done in a casual one-on-one way.
School Group Tours
These tours are for school aged children and can be modified to fit their needs, whether for career choice information or to learn more about the health care system.
Miscellaneous Tours
Are you part of a group that may benefit from a tour? We may be able to help you.
For more information on any of the tours mentioned, phone the Communications Department on 5381 9309.