Service Contact Details

Stroke Care Co-ordinator

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 8am - 4.30pm
PH: 5362 3472


Service Description/Overview

Care and rehabilitation following emergency treatment provided in the emergency department. The Stroke Care Co-ordinator is a contact point for when someone is discharged from hospital and there are follow up questions or concerns.

Many people know about the ‘FAST’ pneumonic - Face, Arms, Speech and Time, a community education program aimed at identifying stroke in an emergency, but there are also other important education programs about stroke prevention and Deidre is available to community groups to provide this education.


Additional Information

The Stroke Foundation are the premier consumer based information website and have readily accessible and easy to understand information/education on stroke including the F.A.S.T education program.
Click here for more informative and user friendly links and helpful stroke education resources such as stroke prevention and recovery following a stroke.


What is a Stroke?

The Human Brain

Exercise and Falls After a Stroke

Communication and Swallowing After a Stroke

Diet and Stroke

Emotions and Relationships Post-stroke


Posters and Pdf's

10 Signs of a Stroke

Technology and Stroke

Explaining Stroke



No fee


Area Serviced




No referral necessary