June 29, 2022
Accessing specialists in Ballarat, Melbourne, Bendigo and Geelong has become even easier for Horsham and Dimboola residents thanks to new equipment at Grampians Health.Accessing specialists in Ballarat, Melbourne, Bendigo and Geelong has become even easier for Horsham and Dimboola residents thanks to new equipment at Grampians Health.
Grampians Health has purchased new telehealth carts allowing local residents to consult with specialists virtually in Horsham from the Wimmera Base Hospital and the Alan Wolff Medical Centre also in Dimboola, saving hours in travel time.
Regional Director of Hospitals-West Carolyn Robertson said telehealth was safe and easy to use and less disruptive to your day-to-day life.
“During the COVID pandemic, Grampians Health experienced an increase in telehealth services, as residents were able to maintain their health online,” Ms Robertson said.
“Offering patients easier access to GPs, specialists, mental health and allied health professionals means improved health outcomes.
“We’re extremely pleased to assist more local residents and those who don’t have internet or devices at home to access virtual appointments through the new telehealth carts. Nurses are also available to help set up the virtual appointment.
”To book a telehealth cart at Grampians Health Horsham, please call 5381 9167 and to book a cart in Dimboola contact 5363 7100.
Photo: Alan Wolff Medical Centre manager Heather Parker is pictured with one of the new telehealth carts which allow local residents to access specialist appointments from their hometown.